[MD] sq social - sq intellectual

ARLO J BENSINGER JR ajb102 at psu.edu
Wed Aug 16 09:59:27 PDT 2006

Platt- I think somehow our last one or two give-and-takes ended up off the list.
Anyway, I think this puts it back on...

[Platt previously]
Can you give us a couple of examples of how DQ is still affecting the social

[Arlo then]
The free market.

[Platt replied thus]

[Arlo then]
That IS an example. More generically I'd say that anytime you see
(retrospectively) something "shift" that improves overall well-being of social
patterns, usually visible once the movement in latched into static patterns,
you've seen evidence of DQ effecting the social level. One "entry point" for DQ
to impact social patterns is through a market. 

An example of a "shift"?  

You need me to provide one? I think social patterns have evolved (improved)
dramatically since, say, 1800. You don't? When do you think social patterns
stopped evolving? 1600? 1200? 300BCE? 1990?

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