[MD] Pressed Ham

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 16 22:11:30 PDT 2006

Hello dmb and Ham,

> dmb says:
> See, the problem is that your Essentialism is
> essentially an SOM view. 

     I'm pretty sure Ham has to know this by now? 
This not so sure comment is intended towards Ham.

> are dishing up the very thing that the MOQ seeks to
> overcome.

  Yeaper, it seems that way.

> is predicated on the very assumptions that the MOQ
> overturns. The self/other 
> dichotomy is the very essence of SOM. That's why
> you're at odds around here.

     Surely Ham...?
> Think of it this way. The ancient religious truth
> saying "Thou art That" is 
> not just a rejection of the distinction between
> humanity and the divine, its 
> a rejection of that more secular dualism too. The
> distinction between 
> subject and object is also overturned by that same
> idea; thou art that.

     This is exactly why I read what Ham says, and
think surely Ham believes in Essence where dualism
does NOT exist.  Then I've been in discussions with
Ham where Oneness is denied by Ham.  Where
all-is-connected has been denied by Ham.  Yet, I
scratch my head and think to myself, surely Ham
believes in Essence.  Then Ham may comment, let me
know Ham if I'm off-track or not, that nothingness
separates us and existence has distinctions, and yet,
in the back of my head I know this all boils down to
Essence where no distinctions, no self/other, is
present known as Essence.  Quality points out the
significance, the value, in not just the self but the
other, too.  Instead of 1 and 1 being separated
couldn't we just mention Essence and notice 1+1 all
adds up to 2.  Or in other words, when I experience
self/other in a relationship, I'm seeing Essence,
which as dmb mentions, I'm viewin' beyond SOM or to
use Ham's terminology, I'm viewin' beyond existence
(as Ham defines to be self/other dichotomy, right?)
and thus, I'm livin' relationships, values, families,
touchin' trees with my hands, and dirt with my toes. 
Isn't that the Essence of this, the Quality of this,
the Significance of this, the Spirit of this?  I say


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