[MD] Individual v Collective
Squonkonguitar at aol.com
Squonkonguitar at aol.com
Thu Aug 17 17:24:56 PDT 2006
You're right - "just aesthetic" was loose talk on my part ... sorry about
Mark: Hello Ian.
Ian: The aestheics as a part of every interaction, every communication,
every grip on every spanner / wrench, every feel of every wrench
against every nut-face against every thread .... So how to communicate
my point .... ? Perhaps as a question ...
Mark: The words we use, and those you use here, are all analogues of
Quality. The MoQ says we can teasel these words out into when evolution generated
Ian: Why is the bird-song communication from one bird to the community of
birds social, whereas linguistic / symbolic communication (of
whatever) human to humans, is intellectual?
Mark: All communication is imitated. We can teach a Human Adult with zero
Intellectual capacity to imitate the phrase, E=mc2. (Some birds can imitate the
phrase E=mc2.) Social patterns are learned through imitation. A Human Adult
with zero Intellectual capacity could learn through imitation that the
appropriate request for his career to help him visit the lavatory is to utter the
phrase, E=mc2.
The relationship between concepts such as energy, mass, the constant of
electromagnetic radiation velocity and Geometric progression are governed by
rules of deductive inference. Deduction is an aesthetic appreciation of abstract
relationships. The Human Adult with zero Intellectual capacity is devoid of
such aesthetic appreciation, whereas the 'Rain man' savant has exquisite
aesthetic appreciation of abstract relationships but needs help to visit the
Imagine the shades in-between and no wonder it seems problematic for the
intellectual and social realms to be differentiated, but it all comes down to
aesthetics. At least, that's the argument i have been pressing ever since i had
anything to do with this forum.
Ian: I guess we need to translate our mutual use of the words value &
meaning ... seems to be an important difference in our statements.
Mark: As Alan Freeman would have it, 'Norrarf pop pickers. Alright?'
As i stated in the last post: 'If you consider what meaning is, i think you
may see it is a bundle of preferences. And preferences are values.'
The Social aesthetic is a relationship between your values and the current
social conventions (values). This is social meaning.
The Intellectual aesthetic is a relationship between your values and the
current intellectual conventions. This is intellectual meaning.
Value come first - meaning is an intellectual pattern of ambiguous nature -
in order for meaning there has to be a valued intellectual tradition for
meaning to be coherent. Very often, a challenge to an intellectual tradition
reveals incoherence and the whole aesthetic begins to feel a bit off.
Ian: BTW I've never advocated an individual / collective or a social /
intellectual "split" far from it ... I'm just trying to understand the
axes along which they are related ... and just suggesting the
individual / collective is more meaningful / more significant / higher
value than the social / intellectual ... where I'm still failing to
see any clear distinction ..
Mark: You posited the socio-intellectual level. You suggest an
individual/collective analysis of the socio-intellectual level may be helpful.
The MoQ says: Social patterns are imitated, Intellectual patterns are
The MoQ thus provides a clear dividing line between these levels - a
dividing line you do not accept.
I've expanded upon this by suggesting the social and intellectual realms are
aesthetic. I think this may be effectively sustained within MoQ literature.
This may beg the question: Is the aesthetic individual or collective? I get
around this by suggesting there is a relationship between 'you' as a bundle of
preferences and 'collective' as a bundle of preferences. But as bundles are
non-atomic and merge, field-like into a higher continuum, i think the
individual/collective question is unasked.
I've also suggested that meaning is a bundle of preferences or values. One
such value/meaning is the MoQ paradigm. I think the MoQ paradigm is highly
coherent in that it is aesthetically very pleasing.
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