[MD] Individual v Collective

MarshaV marshalz at charter.net
Fri Aug 18 01:40:52 PDT 2006

At 08:24 PM 8/17/2006, Mark wrote:
>The MoQ thus provides a clear dividing line between these levels - a
>dividing line you do not accept.
>I've expanded upon this by suggesting the social and intellectual realms  are
>aesthetic. I think this may be effectively sustained within MoQ literature.
>This may beg the question: Is the aesthetic individual or collective? I get
>around this by suggesting there is a relationship between 'you' as a 
>bundle of
>preferences and 'collective' as a bundle of preferences. But as bundles are
>non-atomic and merge, field-like into a higher continuum, i think the
>individual/collective question is unasked.
>I've also suggested that meaning is a bundle of preferences or values. One
>such value/meaning is the MoQ paradigm. I think the MoQ paradigm is highly
>coherent in that it is aesthetically very pleasing.


I see this.  I see it.  I see it from the corner of my eye.  It's 
like painting, and it is pleasing.


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