[MD] sq social - sq intellectual

Platt Holden pholden at davtv.com
Sat Aug 19 05:55:05 PDT 2006

[Platt asked Gene]
> > Would you fight terrorists under any circumstances?
[Gene answered]
> I would fight terrorism the only place it can be fought, in the realm of
> thought. Terrorism is an idea. A place inside people's heads. You can
> shoot it, you can't bomb it. All you can do is try and have better
> ideas.
> Terrorism is like that damn bobbing clown you punch. Or a ball floating
> in water. The harder you punch it, the more it springs back. Direct
> force is not only wasteful, but ultimately detrimental. You need gentle
> force, redirection. Cleverness.
> War is a blunt tool, used to smash something you don't understand how to
> fix. It's a waste of effort, money and lives. And it sickens me to see
> it pulled out so often as a first resort.

Would I be correct to presume that you disagree with the following 
statement by Mr. Pirsig?

"The idea that biological crimes can be ended by intellect alone, that 
you can talk crime to death, doesn't work. Intellectual patterns cannot 
directly control biological patterns. Only social patterns can control 
biological patterns, and the instrument of conversation between society 
and biology is not words. The instrument of conversation between 
society and biology has always been a policeman or a soldier and his 
gun." (Lila, 24)



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