[MD] sq social - sq intellectual

ARLO J BENSINGER JR ajb102 at psu.edu
Sat Aug 19 08:05:20 PDT 2006

I would submit that Islamic Fascism does not support dominance of social values
over biological values, nor does Islam support dominance of intellectual values
over social values. Thus, by terms of the MOQ moral hierarchy, Western cultures
are morally superior to Islamic cultures.

Nor does any religious fundamentalism (nor perhaps any "church"), Islam or
Christian or whatever. The gains in Western society the placed "intellectual
values over social values" are secular-humanist. If you are, here, arguing for
society to forgo "religious morals" (whether they be Islamic or
Judeo-Christian), and instead support secular-humanism, then I think you are
correct in the statement that (rephrased), "by terms of the MOQ hierarchy,
secular-humanist cultures are morally superior to those cultures adhering to
religious morals as dictated by a church".

However, this one statement does not absolve the US of its need to self-reflect
on when it has acted unethically, immorally and in ways that others would bring
valid complaints against imperialistic and hegeomonic practices. As I stated in
my recent post, the conflict is not one of a wholly moral nation defending
itself from a wholly immoral enemy. That's good comic book stuff, and the gist
of talk-radio, but does nothing to deal with the structure of the problem, and
in painting such a simplistic, patriotically-misguided picture, only futhers
the conflict rather than seek resolution. Both sides are equally guilty of
that. Sadly, as is quite evident, patriotic zeal will overshadowed reason, even
to the point of misprepresenting a metaphysics to support soley political

  Islamic cultures are changeable as 
> witness the effort by many in Iraq to establish a democracy where the
> intellectual
> values of free speech and freedom of religion from state interference would 
> guaranteed by law.
> Platt
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