[MD] sq social - sq intellectual
Khaled Alkotob
khaledsa at juno.com
Sat Aug 19 16:31:40 PDT 2006
Well put Gene. and to quote a line from the movie V is for Vengeance,
"Ideas are bullet proof".
More interesting, Theoretically speaking, if these guys do win and come
to power, they will not last. The support they have is against "external
enemies" but once in power, their support will erode because no one wants
to live under their totalitarian regime. That has been proven time and
time again.
> It is completely correct! If someone attempts a terrorist action,
> shoot him.
> Biological vs. biological. But terrorism isn't purely biological.
> Like I
> said previously, it is an Idea. A belief system. And to fight
> against that,
> we need to undermine and attack those Ideas.
> Unfortunately for us the ideas are built in such a fashion that
> opposing
> them with biological force is what causes them to grow in the minds
> of the
> enemy.
> Their ideas are floating in a bucket. When you smash them with your
> fist
> they pop back up at you harder than ever before. And That is the
> thing we
> need to undermine. We need to destroy the belief in their ideals,
> and
> destroy the support given to them in people's minds.
> Destroying people's homes and communities does not help us win their
> minds.
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