[MD] Dewey, Pirsig Book Index and Article
ian glendinning
psybertron at gmail.com
Tue Aug 22 09:17:35 PDT 2006
Arlo (and David H)
David kindly gave me an informal copy of the paper, but I would like
to receive a copy of the PDF Arlo, so that I can share with others.
On 8/21/06, Squonkonguitar at aol.com <Squonkonguitar at aol.com> wrote:
> In a message dated 21/08/2006 19:55:36 GMT Standard Time, ajb102 at psu.edu
> writes:
> All,
> I've just sent out copies of the Index to David Granger's forthcoming book
> (which he graciously provides), as well as a PDF version of his article
> from The Journal of Aesthetic Education entitled "Teaching Aesthetics and
> Aesthetic Teaching: Toward a Deweyan Perspective" that references Pirsig
> extensively (for those unable to access the Project Muse site). If I've
> missed anyone, or if anyone else would like copies of these documents,
> please let me know.
> Arlo
> Many thanks Arlo,
> My Athens loggin simply won't have it, and i've reported the problem to
> Liverpool University helpdesk.
> Love,
> Mark
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