[MD] Dewey, Pirsig Book Index and Article
Ant McWatt
antmcwatt at hotmail.co.uk
Tue Aug 22 17:37:24 PDT 2006
If it's any help to you, in the next couple of days, I'll be putting David
Granger's Journal of Aesthetic Education article and the index of his new
Dewey/Pirsig book on robertpirsig.org.
Best wishes,
Mark M stated to Arlo August 21st:
>Many thanks Arlo,
>My Athens loggin simply won't have it, and i've reported the problem to
>Liverpool University helpdesk.
>In a message dated 21/08/2006 19:55:36 GMT Standard Time, ajb102 at psu.edu
>I've just sent out copies of the Index to David Granger's forthcoming book
>(which he graciously provides), as well as a PDF version of his article
>from The Journal of Aesthetic Education entitled "Teaching Aesthetics and
>Aesthetic Teaching: Toward a Deweyan Perspective" that references Pirsig
>extensively (for those unable to access the Project Muse site). If I've
>missed anyone, or if anyone else would like copies of these documents,
>please let me know.
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