[MD] Ham on Esthesia

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 24 13:58:55 PDT 2006


     I wasn't expecting a response from you on what I
said, but I'm glad you did respond.  It jarred some
thoughts in my head.  Yes, your essence mixed in with
the MOQ.org inspires creativity, apparently, by many
members here.  Whether it is fashioned by contrast;
or, to use MOQ terminology, the inclination and
motives of personages that recognize DQ where the
mysterious, the different and unknown become
fascinating, like a shiny piece of metal to a crow.

> My simple answer to your complaint is that when I
> say something is "embodied
> in Essence" I do not imply a "thing", itself, but
> the essence or "is-ness"
> of the thing.
> You should understand this with your professed
> interest in mysticism and
> dharmakaya light.

     How is essence still 'around' or 'whatever
essence is' since all this differentiation occurred at
some point in time?  Also, essence must still be
present, since the world is on-going in its' creating,
     There is also a leap here, right? - between
essence and difference.  A leap denoting some kind of
space, some kind of weird dimensional space where
essence is, essence is 'connected' with everything via
value, which value might be considered some kind of
'piece' of essence embedded in the differences.  This
embedded value links 'everything' in some kind of
weird way that allows us to trace a tree, frog, and
everything back to this original and present state
called essence.  Our awareness can bring us, link us
now, this very moment to an identification with
essence via our awareness combining All that is
together to the point that we can not just believe in
an essence, but think about this essence.  Value
provides this linkage and a map that our awareness is
able to connect the dots with everything and picture
this Oneness that everything can mesh together as. 
When we mesh it together, linking the value, the
significance of having everything together we come up
with not only a uni-verse, but we generate in our
minds this concept that everything is part of this
whole 'thing' to the point that we can't even tell the
difference anymore between everything - on some level.
     This is how I see what you're saying at this


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