[MD] Ham on Esthesia
ian glendinning
psybertron at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 06:54:16 PDT 2006
Platt (Case re-opened briefly) said
"Such unpredictability is simply our lack of knowledge of what it's
like to be a fluid or an ant"
Simply ? I simply say that reveals your total ignorance (in the strict
non-pejorative sense) of the concepts. Repeat after me, even with
perfect knowledge you cannot always predict with any predictable
accuracy. That's life, just complicated enough. If you don't fancy
Dennett or Wilson - can't abide Dawkins personally - try Stafford Beer
and requisite variety.
Either way, please provide some arguments.
(Case reclosed.)
On 8/25/06, pholden at davtv.com <pholden at davtv.com> wrote:
> Quoting Case <Case at iSpots.com>:
> > [Case]
> > OK, try this. Take a jar and fill it half full of cooking oil and half full
> > of water. Shake it up and watch what happens. The amount of energy you put
> > into shaking it effects how long it takes the liquids to separate. If you
> > watch closely as they separate you will see little bubbles making bigger
> > bubble until there are just two bubbles. Chaos is introduced into the jar by
> > the dynamic quality of the shaking. The overall system of oil and water
> > returns to stasis as the dynamic quality dissipates.
> What you have described is static quality -- predictable reaction. Dynamic Quality
> isn't shaking, tossing, agitating, churning, jouncing, stirring, waggling or
> just any old physical energy. DQ is moral force.
> > Visit any Spencer's Gift and you can watch many examples of multicolored
> > fluids of various viscosities dripping and flowing in determined but
> > unpredictable ways. While you are there, take a look at what they can do
> > with a magnet and a 9 volt battery.
> All static patterns. Lack of predictability is not an indication of DQ. Whether
> a fluid pattern goes up or down, or whether an ant turns to the left or right
> isn't DQ at work. Such unpredictability is simply our lack of knowledge of what
> it's like to be a fluid or an ant. If the fluid jumps out of its container and
> starts dancing the hootchy-kootchy, then you might say DQ is involved.
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