[MD] Ham on Esthesia

Arlo Bensinger ajb102 at psu.edu
Fri Aug 25 07:23:15 PDT 2006

[Platt to Case]
All static patterns. Lack of predictability is not an indication of DQ. 
Whether a fluid pattern goes up or down, or whether an ant turns to the 
left or right isn't DQ at work.

You're not seriously going back to that "static quality is also at the 
cutting edge of experience" stuff, are you? DQ exists whenever "it's better 
here" is determined. When your cat jumps off the bed, it does so because of 
Dynamic Quality, not because it is responding to static quality. An ant 
making a turn, I'd agree, may at many times be conforming to static 
biological patterns, but when confronted with an experience for which it 
has no biological preprogramming (a drop of acid placed in the path it is 
driven by static quality to follow) it will follow Dynamic Quality and 
break its static path by following "it's better here".

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