[MD] DQ Reduex

Case Case at iSpots.com
Fri Aug 25 19:13:05 PDT 2006

What you have described is static quality -- predictable reaction. Dynamic
Quality isn't shaking, tossing, agitating, churning, jouncing, stirring,
waggling or just any old physical energy. DQ is moral force.  

Dynamic means Dynamic. Change in the environment is dynamic. The Taoists
claimed that change is the only constant in nature. The Dynamic Quality that
drives biological systems on this planet is sunlight. But moral or not
Dynamic Quality is not always good.

Pirsig is, of course, the source of this misunderstanding and he reveals the
nature of his own misunderstanding early on with this:

"But as David Mandelbaum noted in his book The Plains Cree, 'The term manito
primarily referred to the Supreme Being but also had many other usages. It
was applied to manifestations of skill, fortune, blessing, luck, to any
wondrous occurrence. It connoted any phenomenon that transcended the run of
everyday experience.'
In other words, 'Dynamic Quality.'"

Once again: if you define better as better it just gets better and better.

This is a little like Christians who deny the existence of luck, claiming
that blessings come from God, curses come from Satan. As I have said many
times uncertainty in so interwoven into the fabric of our thinking that we
have separate static categories for good luck and bad luck. But it is all
change. It is all dynamic. It is all about uncertainty.
> Visit any Spencer's Gift and you can watch many examples of multicolored
> fluids of various viscosities dripping and flowing in determined but
> unpredictable ways.  While you are there, take a look at what they can do
> with a magnet and a 9 volt battery.

All static patterns. Lack of predictability is not an indication of DQ.
Whether a fluid pattern goes up or down, or whether an ant turns to the left
or right isn't DQ at work. Such unpredictability is simply our lack of
knowledge of what it's like to be a fluid or an ant. 

But that is just the point: lack of predictability IS Dynamic. The behavior
of those swinging little porpoises and butterfly is completely
unpredictable. With as few as three variables in a system chaos breaks out.
It can be contained and predicted within a certain distribution of
probability to it is ever dynamic.

Another point worth noting is that in the case of oil and water all of the
action takes place on the surfaces. With the injection of dynamic quality
the surface area increases as the bubbles break apart and become smaller and
smaller. As the dynamic quality dissipates the surface area gets smaller as
the bubbles combine. Even when the fluids have settled out there is dynamic
activity on the surfaces as the water and oil molecule move against each

If the fluid jumps out of its container and starts dancing the
hootchy-kootchy, then you might say DQ is involved. 

I apologize for reposting this but I think it applies here:
The DQ Fandango
Nature always ambles the path of least resistance
Life's The Way. We shoot the bird at entropy's persistence
Photons striking carbon make it want to bump and grind
Two stepping 'til closing time with every sweet thing it can find

Entropy is patient he doesn't have to worry
He always wins out in the end so he's never in a hurry
Each and every species comes with special talents
Swinging Cha-cha, Tango steps struggling for its balance

Entropy is smiling because he's heard this tune
Sometimes it seems to last a little long but it always ends too soon
Ballerinas pirouette, leaping 'cross the stage
Twirling in their tutus pretending they won't ever age

Molecules dancing
While entropy's waiting
We are sunlight



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