[MD] Ham on Esthesia

MarshaV marshalz at charter.net
Sun Aug 27 02:12:29 PDT 2006

At 03:13 AM 8/27/2006, Ham wrote to Steve:

>I wonder, too, about how this works in the creative process.  When does the
>composer, for example, experience the "DQ event", if at all, and does it
>occur before a note is set to paper?  Often, I'll struggle to write an essay
>on a difficult subject, getting a "high" only while reviewing the final
>result (if I see it as worthy).  In other words, the work of writing --
>which should be DQ because it's the act of creating -- seems to have less
>pleasure for me than the finished piece -- which should be sq because it's
>"dead" and done.  How do you explain that anomaly in  Pirsigian

Hi Ham,

I've been painting since 1:30am. with periods of being in the 
groove.  Those 'in the groove' periods are not emotional.  I don't 
think.  They are something more, something different.  If I had to 
describe those moments or minutes, I'd say there is no me.  I'm out 
of it.  Gone.  But it's very exhilarating.  If you're a sailor, maybe 
you know being in the groove.  I was told it was a sailor's phrase.

I'm getting much pleasure from reading the posts between you and 
Mark.  Much pleasure!


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