[MD] Ham on Esthesia
marshalz at charter.net
Sun Aug 27 06:25:42 PDT 2006
Something else I might add. My husband played classical guitar. (I
took lessons for a few years too, but it didn't work out.) Anyway,
he'd practice for hours. Now this is gross, but he'd be so into the
notes on the page, the sound, the guitar, etc., that he'd sometimes
drool (absolutely abnormal for his personality). He was gone, out of
body, merged in the experience.
At 05:12 AM 8/27/2006, you wrote:
>At 03:13 AM 8/27/2006, Ham wrote to Steve:
> >I wonder, too, about how this works in the creative process. When does the
> >composer, for example, experience the "DQ event", if at all, and does it
> >occur before a note is set to paper? Often, I'll struggle to write an essay
> >on a difficult subject, getting a "high" only while reviewing the final
> >result (if I see it as worthy). In other words, the work of writing --
> >which should be DQ because it's the act of creating -- seems to have less
> >pleasure for me than the finished piece -- which should be sq because it's
> >"dead" and done. How do you explain that anomaly in Pirsigian
> >epistemology?
>Hi Ham,
>I've been painting since 1:30am. with periods of being in the
>groove. Those 'in the groove' periods are not emotional. I don't
>think. They are something more, something different. If I had to
>describe those moments or minutes, I'd say there is no me. I'm out
>of it. Gone. But it's very exhilarating. If you're a sailor, maybe
>you know being in the groove. I was told it was a sailor's phrase.
>I'm getting much pleasure from reading the posts between you and
>Mark. Much pleasure!
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