[MD] Drama

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 28 07:11:23 PDT 2006

Hello Marsha,

> Are these girls being taught Quality?

Good question.
How do you teach Quality?
I know a major part of the program is accepting
responsibility for ones own actions.  Reflecting, and
realizing what one is doing, being aware, are present
and accounted for.  They have free time, and recently,
if all goes well, I have taken them for walks in the
woods.  Crochet is a big hit with most of them, oddly,
this practice that has disappeared outside of the
facility finds a home inside the facility - mostly
blankets are being made for themselves or family
members.  But I'm not sure this answers the question
you have and I have.?


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