[MD] Drama
Heather Perella
spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 30 09:57:36 PDT 2006
> I find it curious but revealing that neither Marsha
> nor DMB seem to consider
> current universities and colleges "enclaves of the
> culturally literate." I agree
> with their evaluation.
Universities and colleges are removed from
society. Their practice is not highly applicable to a
cross-over from the world of books and teachers to the
world of you must do it yourself noticing the
conditions of today's culture. I'm speaking very
generally on this topic, but in the end, what you go
to college or university for must equal 'how much $
will you be able to make in order to survive'. Now to
pull this highly glum experience into a more
intellectual realm let me give a try.
Marsha mentioned empathy for these residents.
They just want to be free. What they don't want
Marsha is authority, and he lies the dilemma. They
want their Way.
In my opinion, the mask of a revolutionary (keep
in mind as a go on with my point: the U.S. revolted
against the English, that doesn't mean they rid the
English way. Though, those like Thoreau asked U.S.
citizens to reach out into Nature, the geography of
the new U.S., and find a European and North American
way of life.) will be contrary, called a delinquent,
and a trouble maker. If the movement is on the social
order, being revamped by the intellectual order, then
we will notice odd behaviors. These residents do want
their freedom, some need freedom from the nightmares
in their mind, some want just soo much fun they forget
about school and listening to any wisdom those before
them may have had - they reject everything.
Now the confusion. When you ask these residents
what do you want or what didn't you like back home,
and now you find yourself at a place as this? They
hate school. They just want to be with their friends.
They want to drink alcohol and smoke weed. They want
babies. They hate their mom and/or dad. They want to
do what they want to do. They are either afraid or
love the streets. Some don't think and some don't
know if they will get into trouble back home. They
have nobody to go back home to. These are numerous
answers from numerous residents.
Here's the punchline. These experiences are what
they find to be their only options. They know they
don't like how their parents are, what school teaches
them, and mainly the only similar voices they find are
their friends that end up getting into trouble with
the law, too.
They don't see any other options. The
free-thinking world, where quality intellect could
arise, does not have the soil (culture) to take root.
They know they want something else, but what is that
something else they want? Where will they act their
freedom so nobody gets hurt? These residents are
experimenting and blindly trying this or that to find
something that works for them and everybody else can
agree upon. There is a niche in this cultural
labyrinth where no guides are found to exist for some,
away from the minotaur, and since we are always
pupils, some have only the minotaur to teach them how
to be.
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