[MD] Drama

pholden at davtv.com pholden at davtv.com
Wed Aug 30 12:56:47 PDT 2006

Quoting Heather Perella <spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com>:

> Platt,
>     [Platt]
> > I find it curious but revealing that neither Marsha
> > nor DMB seem to consider
> > current universities and colleges "enclaves of the
> > culturally literate." I agree
> > with their evaluation.
>      Universities and colleges are removed from
> society.  Their practice is not highly applicable to a
> cross-over from the world of books and teachers to the
> world of you must do it yourself noticing the
> conditions of today's culture.  I'm speaking very
> generally on this topic, but in the end, what you go
> to college or university for must equal 'how much $
> will you be able to make in order to survive'.  

To a large extent, I agree. If nothing else it takes a load of $ to pay
for a degree. The degree in turn will help you earn the $ needed to pay
for it. Another case of the snake eating its tail. Add to that the utter
failure of the public school monopoly and you have the makings of a collapse
such as you witness every day at your reform school. I doubt if even
monasteries will preserve the culture because few will be left to know 
the difference between what needs to be kept as the foundation for a 
new civilization and what is garbage. 


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