[MD] Voting

Arlo Bensinger ajb102 at psu.edu
Thu Aug 31 07:22:43 PDT 2006

... if you accept united we stand, divided we fall ... ie we are better of 
collaborating in society rather than literally every man for himself 
anarchy ... total "freedom"

In rereading Will Durant's "The Life of Greece", I am struck by this passage.

"But because they are free, because, ultimately, every office is open to 
every citizen, and each is ruled and ruler in turn, they give half their 
lives to the state. Home is where they sleep; they LIVE in the market 
place, in the Assembly, in the Council, in the courts, in the great 
festivals, athletic contests, and dramatic spectacles that glorify their 
city and its gods. They recognize the right of the state to conscript their 
persons and their wealth for its needs. They forgive its exactions because 
it gives more opportunity for human development than man has ever known 
before; they fight for it fiercely because it is the mother and guardian of 
their liberties."

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