[MD] Voting

ian glendinning psybertron at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 09:52:24 PDT 2006

Brilliant Quote Arlo,
Must look out for that reference.

Really about understanding what "freedom" really is .. ie what is it
freedom from ?
The dreaded F-word - "Federal" controls delegated upwards towards a
center, but delegated "freely" my mutual agreement.


On 8/31/06, Arlo Bensinger <ajb102 at psu.edu> wrote:
> [Ian]
> ... if you accept united we stand, divided we fall ... ie we are better of
> collaborating in society rather than literally every man for himself
> anarchy ... total "freedom"
> [Arlo]
> In rereading Will Durant's "The Life of Greece", I am struck by this passage.
> "But because they are free, because, ultimately, every office is open to
> every citizen, and each is ruled and ruler in turn, they give half their
> lives to the state. Home is where they sleep; they LIVE in the market
> place, in the Assembly, in the Council, in the courts, in the great
> festivals, athletic contests, and dramatic spectacles that glorify their
> city and its gods. They recognize the right of the state to conscript their
> persons and their wealth for its needs. They forgive its exactions because
> it gives more opportunity for human development than man has ever known
> before; they fight for it fiercely because it is the mother and guardian of
> their liberties."
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