[MD] Drama

pholden at davtv.com pholden at davtv.com
Thu Aug 31 10:58:19 PDT 2006

Quoting Arlo Bensinger <ajb102 at psu.edu>:

> [Arlo]
> There is no ad-hominem. Pirsig himself called such perennial attacks on the 
> Academy "just right-wing politics", as he himself was branded by a 
> right-wing ideologue as a "radical professor". 

So anyone who criticizes the Academy is a right-wing ideologue? Then
you qualify based on your perennial vilification of the "business model" of
education. I also remind you that education in art, theater, literature, history,
etc., traditionally the humanities, was emphasized in the Victorian era. Further,
in that era, graduates from high school knew how to read and write. Educationally 
speaking, a return to that era would be a good thing wouldn't you agree?

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