[MD] Quantum Physics

Ant McWatt antmcwatt at hotmail.co.uk
Sat Dec 2 19:14:58 PST 2006

David Morey stated December 2nd:

>Penrose certainly
>thinks that the collapse of the wave
>function may be very closely aligned
>to what consiousness 'does' and
>the emergence of the actual from
>a broadly spread range of possibiltities
>is what I'd describe DQ as doing.
>DQ does not provide change by
>disturbing SQ, rather it is able to
>draw on a vast realm of possibilties to
>populate what we know as actual.
>Consciousness is unifies SQ and DQ
>and is no more tha SQ and DQ unified
>or in tension, and SQ and DQ is nature-it-itself
>and is not absent at any level, the point of
>interction between the possible and the actual
>that quantum thoery clearly confronts has to
>be played out at all levels so I cannot see
>any reduction by Laird here.


Parts of this paragraph seem rather obscure to me.  For a start, how can the 
“possible” which doesn’t exist (yet), interact with the “actual” which does 

Anyway, I think this issue all comes down to whether or not you think 
physics is the most useful tool to describe and predict the behaviour of all 
static quality patterns or that it is more useful to avoid this reductionism 
and assume (pragmatically) that it's better off just handling particular 
inorganic static patterns and leaving the remaining static patterns to other 
specialisations (such as chemistry, biology, anthropology etc.).  For 
instance, as I just pointed out to SA, does an anthropologist or a 
politician have any use for quantum theory in understanding social patterns 
of value?

As I also noted to SA, the assumption that quantum physics is “The 
interaction point between [all] DQ and SQ” reminds me of the consciousness 
“problem” of all these SOM philosophers who "forget" that quantum mechanics 
is simply a _ provisional_ set of concepts that (presently) work fine when 
dealing with micro scale inorganic static patterns rather than being the 
_“literal”_ way things are.  To think this way just isn't pragmatic!

Best wishes,



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