[MD] Free Speech

ARLO J BENSINGER JR ajb102 at psu.edu
Sun Dec 3 06:15:38 PST 2006

[Arlo [previously]
You sould just like a Joseph Goebbels defending Nazi Germany's condemnation of
the Academy. (See, two can play that game.) But of course, being inside the
Party, you cannot see its stifling static patterns.

When all else fails, accuse your opponent of being like a Nazi. This coming from
someone who claims to represent intellect! Sad really.

Excellent condemnation of yourself, Platt, since I make it clear that that
statement (see the parenthetical clause) is merely a reflection of an identical
one you had just used against me. Kudos!

But, hey, we have to respect the Nazi political view, don't we? I mean, who are
we in the Academy to say that someone's political view is intellectually
untenable. Nazism is just as valid as any other political belief. That great
academic freedom policy will ensure that no Nazi is intellectually condemned on

For a more intellectual consideration of the debate, go to

What's sad is that this right-wing assault on intellectual integrity and
standards relies on the same dispicable tactics deployed against Pirsig ("If
they had fifty names [of radical college professors at the college in
Bozeman]," I say, "mine must have been one." They both look at me with some
surprise. I don’t know much about it, actually. It was him, of course, and
with some feeling of falseness because of this I explain that a "radical" in
Gallatin County, Montana, is a little different from a radical somewhere else."
50 names, 101 names. All right-wing social villainy.)

Free Exchange on Campus presents mountains of intellectual evidence to counter
the nonsensical, and social-political, maneuverings of this latest assault on
Intellect. The sad, long history of the rights assault on Intellect continues,
despite evidence, to force the dominance of social patterns over Intellect. Not
that that's surprising to anyone following history (global or national). They
even went after Pirsig. Something we should all remember. 

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