[MD] Free Speech

ARLO J BENSINGER JR ajb102 at psu.edu
Sun Dec 3 15:47:02 PST 2006

Comparing me to a Nazi is "identical" to comparing you to the pope? I hope you
aren't correcting student papers for their intellectual content. If so, they
ought to get their money back.

Rhetoric v. rhetoric. I can play your game.

An excellent description of multiculturism, the prevailing view on campus.

The only "prevailing view" on campus is that positions be based in Intellect and
not Party Decree. Whoops, I meant before the recent change. Now, its the later.

Perhaps you'll explain, in the face of "mountains of intellectual evidence," why
intellectuals at Penn State and Temple University  adopted a new academic
freedom policy.

Relentless right-wing bullying tactics. The same ones that were about to get
Pirsig fired, had not the plane carrying the Governor crashed.

My guess is that instead of a cogent explanation we will just see more of your
hysterical defense of a centuries-old, static social orthodoxy. Little wonder
they refer to the academy as the "Ivory Tower."

The only hysteria I bring is sadness at the immoral destruction of Intellect to
serve social Party politics that you applaud. If such utter immorality makes me
hysterical in your eyes, so be it. But as I said, anyone who follows history,
or has read Pirsig's own personal account of right-wing villainy, sees this as
no surprise.

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