[MD] freedom is for the rich

Micah micah at roarkplumbing.com
Mon Dec 4 09:12:16 PST 2006


Is your premise - "we need government to live"?

I've used toll roads many times, they are great when held privately, and
affordable. Why would you assume that private roads would only be affordable
for the rich? There are not enough wealthy individuals to build and support
a private highway system, that would only be possible with lower cost and
access to all, but this is elementary Capitalism - which you should

And we don't need a military, unless you believe America could be taken over
without our consent. As if another country would want or could even control
NY or LA, let alone the entire country. You'll notice I said without our
consent, which implies our greatest threat - politicians. Bush and Co. are
doing a great job of screwing the pooch with our consent.


-----Original Message-----
From: moq_discuss-bounces at moqtalk.org
[mailto:moq_discuss-bounces at moqtalk.org]On Behalf Of Arlo Bensinger
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 10:52 AM
To: moq_discuss at moqtalk.org
Subject: Re: [MD] freedom is for the rich

Thanks to the government roadway system we have sprawl, gas shortages, more
global warming and an auto-centric lifestyle, but it's nice, oh - and

Are you suggesting a "private" roadway system would be better? Would the
above things you mention be lessened because only the wealthy would be able
to pay to use the roads?

A little slavery is not possible. We shouldn't be forced to pay for

Are you suggesting the military be privatized and funded by charitable

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