[MD] U.S. Values: the Jones

Khaled Alkotob khaledsa at juno.com
Mon Dec 4 12:10:16 PST 2006

> [Arlo]
> This is now the third or fourth time Platt made this request. 
> Hmmm... maybe he has an ulterior motive here.
> You make a good point (as always), Khaled. Namely, the 
> self-professed  moralists in this country that cling to certain
> segments of  the Judeo-Christian code do so at the expense and neglect
of the 
> _primary_  message of their own saviour. It is always picking and
> "morals"  that give them power over others, while ignoring any and all 
> "morals" that 
> require change or action on their part. Getting all uppity over 
> nudity  while people freeze in their homes, or go without food, is just
> tip of  the iceberg.
> And why he thinks that my clothing could feed starving children 
> ("the  clothes he insists on wearing could feed some starving children
> Darfur")  is beyond me. Maybe he buys edible clothing at his local
> Shoppe, but  I prefer regular denim Levis. 


So the golden question is as follows.

For the most part, all major religions/doctrines have a thing about
killing, stealing, lying, and coveting your neighbor's wife.

Where does the MOQ ( now that we are on higher grounds, I hope) stand on
spending half a billion dollars for a yacht. Is a quarter million dollars
Bentley fall under that category when a $70,000 lexus will do.

Pirsig left "Quality" undefined.

I am trying to define "Excess". Yes I know we are going to hear about the
Free Market, Capitalism and all of its virtues and so on.

I don't want to hear that. We have talked about that. No laws. no
spending limits. It's your money to do as you will. Got that Platt?

The question is, yes, I can sell my house and move in an apartment and
give my money to the poor. Does that mean I should deny myself?

We had a saying when I was growing up. "A divider never enters heaven".
not a person that divides between people but a person giving each their
share of a pie. Because it is a sin to shortchange YOURSELF, as it is a
sin to play favorites and shortchange someone else. Saying I'll take the
smaller goes to show that you did not give yourself what is your right.
Just is just

So back to the question. Legends have it that the top most president of a
Japanese corporation will earn no more than 7 times what the lowest
earner makes in the company. ( unless it's a private company, then the
owner's share is his).

What is excess?


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