[MD] freedom is for the rich

pholden at davtv.com pholden at davtv.com
Mon Dec 4 15:19:23 PST 2006

Quoting Arlo Bensinger <ajb102 at psu.edu>:

> [Platt]
> Nowhere do I find in the MOQ a moral duty to help the poor. I do find the 
> right of an individual to respond to DQ and act on his own judgment. Forcibly
> taking a man's property in order to serve another's purposes is indeed a 
> form of slavery. Nice that you think a little slavery is a good thing.
> [Arlo]
> Is taxation to support the military ("taking a man's property in order to 
> serve another's purposes") also slavery? Do you side with Micah that it is, 
> and is also immoral? Or is taking a man's property "okay" if its for a 
> cause you support (such as the military)?

To accept a minor enslavement (social level tax) to prevent a major enslavement
(loss of intellectual value protections) is moral. It's a trade off between 
levels and it happens all the time, like the example of the patient and the germ.   

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