[MD] Quantum Physics

Dan Glover daneglover at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 5 12:31:13 PST 2006

Hello everyone

>From: "David M" <davidint at blueyonder.co.uk>
>Reply-To: moq_discuss at moqtalk.org
>To: <moq_discuss at moqtalk.org>
>Subject: Re: [MD] Quantum Physics
>Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2006 19:24:55 -0000
>Hi Dan
>Is there any reason why religion should not
>embrace falsification?

I think the question should be: is there any reason why religion SHOULD 
embrace falsification? And the answer is:

>Whenever someone claims the authority of
>revelation I suggest that they also need
>to check out what has been revealed by
>science. Why stick with old revelation
>and ignore more up to date revelation,
>or do they think god is no longer undertaking


>And if one revelation contradicts
>another, maybe the current stuff is what we
>are currently up to receiving and is an improvement
>on revelations designed for ancient societies
>and cultures.


>Can't beat a bit of rhetoric can you?

Why would I want to?

>Ofcourse, you can just drop the whole
>revelation concept.

I trust you mean the editorial "you" as I didn't bring it up.

>Mind you,what if someone came up with a theory
>of everything that worked and said that god
>revealed it to them. Would that still be science?

In science, theories are advanced so peers can debunk them. That's 
falsification. How does one debunk god?

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