[MD] Sneddon Thesis

Ant McWatt antmcwatt at hotmail.co.uk
Fri Dec 8 17:11:48 PST 2006

Good question, Platt

Give me a chance to think about it,

Best wishes,


Platt Holden asked December 8th:

Hi Ant,

Thanks for making available Part I of Sneddon's MA thesis. In it he
describes Quality and Dynamic Quality variously as:

-- a stimulus which our environment puts upon us
-- a stimulus upon nature as a whole
-- a stimulus to change
-- the feeling that drives upwards
-- an upward urge
-- the present moment responds only to a feeling
-- forward, upward urge of evolution

This is new descriptive vocabulary to me. It suggests the existence of
an undefined, undifferentiated, omnipresent force or energy in the
universe that we humans recognize by an emotional response.

Does this accurately reflect your understanding of the MOQ? Do
Sneddon's words -- stimulus, urge, feeling -- ring true to you?


Best wishes,



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