[MD] Chaos and Goldilocks

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 10 13:57:25 PST 2006

> [Case]
> I mean that Order is a subset of Chaos. 

     ha, ha, of course.  :-)

> If Chaos is the set of all
> probability then Order is the set of persistent
> relationships within that
> set.

     So, everything is chaotic, and yet, those
relationships within the chaos is orderly.  Does this
also mean, everything is chaos and everything is
order?  I'm not used to thinking within a chaotic
paradigm, so, please stick with me, I could use some
help, that to you might seem obvious, but to me, when
I'm trying to understand what your saying, it all
seems to be upside down.  Thanks for helping.

> Order is a specific form of Chaos.

     Are you saying order is chaos?  Chaos is order? 
What other specific forms of chaos exist?

> We as creatures find the orderly
> patterns. They are of no real significance as TITs. 

     Do you mean that orderly patterns and TITs are
not significant?  I don't think that's what you mean. 
Do you mean orderly patterns are not as significant as
TITs?  This would be ranking, for what end, I don't

> Order is important to us because we have purpose and
> meaning in our lives
> and Order is a feature of this. But there is no
> trumping going on. No
> ranking other than what we assign. Assigning Value
> is something that occurs
> in experience as the MoQ would have it. 

> Order is a form of Chaos. They are not two different
> things.

     Oh, so here maybe you answered my above
questions.  Yet, what other forms of chaos are there? 

> [Case]
> > Metaphysic for me is a search for ideas that
> transcend any particular
> disciple.
> [SA]
> Does this mean, all current disciples are
> unsatisfactory?

> [Case]
> No, why would you say that?

     First off, I don't think you mean disciple, maybe
discipline?  If you did mean the former, then I was
thrown off by the comment.  If you do mean discipline,
then by metaphysics, your saying it is trying to
transcend.  Transcend is to get away from, or beyond. 
What is metaphysics trying to get beyond?  If
metaphysics is always trying to get away, transcend,
and go beyond, when will metaphysics be satisfied?


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