[MD] On Balance: Dewey, Pirsig and Granger

MarshaV marshalz at charter.net
Sat Dec 16 02:15:13 PST 2006

At 05:34 PM 12/15/2006, you wrote:
>I've been holding off dialogue over David Granger's book as I am only about
>halfway through it. (By the way, I heartily recommend it. It should be
>available by now in your local library, or via interlibrary-loan at your local
>library. Please give it your time, its worth it.)
>The notion of "balance" is something a few of us have been discussing lately,
>namely "balance" between Dynamic and static forces as being integral to
>evolution and freedom. From LILA, "That's the whole thing: to obtain 
>static and
>Dynamic Quality simultaneously. If you don't have the static patterns of
>scientific knowledge to build upon you're back with the cave man. But if you
>don't have the freedom to change those patterns you're blocked from 
>any further
>growth." The goal is to "create a stable static situation where 
>Dynamic Quality
>can flourish".

Greetings Arlo,

It seems to me that you were previously arguing against the idea that 
DQ was the major driving force in the MOQ.  But accepting that DQ is 
the major driving force does not render all SQ unimportant.  Now you 
are focusing on the word 'balance'.  Do you mean balance vs chaos, or 
order vs freedom with balance in the middle?   Maybe you can describe 
how you're using this word 'balance'.



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