[MD] On Balance: Dewey, Pirsig and Granger

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 16 12:30:02 PST 2006

> [Arlo]
> Here's where we part ways, Marsha. The "major
> driving force" is the interplay
> between DQ and SQ. And it is from this force that
> evolutionary movement, from
> inorganic to biological to social to intellectual,
> is able to occur... That is, "immediate esthetic
experience" is
> made possible by a world consisting of both forms of
> Quality.

     "Phaedrus recognized that there's nothing immoral
in a culture not being ready to accept something
Dynamic. Static latching is necessary to sustain the
gains the culture has made in the past. The solution
is not to condemn the culture as stupid but to look
for those factors that will make the new information
acceptable: the keys. He thought of this Metaphysics
of Quality as a key."  (Lila; Ch.26)

     Arlo, wouldn't this interplay be the code of art.
 There are five codes, and one is dynamic-static code.
 This code includes both static and dynamic qualities.
 Thus, this code that Pirsig brings up is where
definition is introduced between dq and sq.  This code
of art is dynamic morality.  Nothing morality, in
other words, nothing is moral.  This is the original
split that keeps on interplaying, via the code, and
splitting, via distinctions of quality that point out
one is dq and the other is sq.  Also, this above
quote, outlines the importance of intellect providing
and helping society.  Isn't this code of art defining
this balance you mention?  Code of art is this
dynamic-static code, right?

     Two more quotes from Lila:

     "The Metaphysics of Quality says there are not
just two codes of morals, there are actually five:
inorganic-chaotic, biological-inorganic,
social-biological, intellectual-social, and
Dynamic-static. This last, the Dynamic-static code,
says what's good in life isn't defined by society or
intellect or biology. What's good is freedom from
domination by any static pattern, but that freedom
doesn't have to be obtained by the destruction of the
patterns themselves."  (Lila; Ch. 24)

     "Finally there's a fourth Dynamic morality which
isn't a code. He supposed you could call it a 'code of
Art' or something like that..." 
(Lila; Ch. 13)  

more seed, thus, more birds,

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