[MD] Quantum Physics

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 17 09:59:49 PST 2006

> Chin) I wasn’t thinking you can be stuck on DQ. Once
> DQ is accepted, 
> it becomes sq. 
> What you think? 

     While quiet, meditating, I'm alert, yet, not an
alertness due to fear.  I can't get a handle upon this
quiet.  If I think too much about it, I've lost it. 
If I'm relaxed focused upon this quiet, I don't see
it, so to speak.  If I'm accepting (relaxed-focus)
upon this quiet, I'm not really grasping it, but I'm
not letting go from it either.  I'm involved with this
quiet.  As by now, and we've discussed this before,
you might well as know, I equate this quietness with
dynamic quality.  This is the only way I am able to
understand dynamic quality.  I' ve needed to use an
experience in which I'm familiar with to explain this
dynamic quality.  Maybe quietness is more akin to code
of art, a coherent experience of dq and sq.  Either
way, dq is involved.  
     So, to answer your question, in an apparent
round-about way stuck upon dq is, as I'm trying to
understand this, is understanding sq and dq split. 
Yet, even with this split, sq and dq stay together
known as quality.  Therefore, since both are quality,
sq and dq, even split, are stuck together as both are
quality.  Therefore, quality, this stuckness of sq and
dq, in other words, I might be just saying code of art
when I say sq and dq are stuck, also by stuck I'm
acknowledging that dq and sq are still just quality. 
Yet, quality is also split.  Split into dq and sq. 
For sq to be stuck with dq is a latch that never
happens, as above in the first paragraph, I stated
that I'm not grasping dq, but I'm also not letting go
of dq.
     So, as to what you've brought up above.  Stuck or
latching upon dq is not an acceptance of dq, for I'm
not grasping dq, yet, I'm not letting go either, so,
dq can be involved in static patterns, for to shut-out
dq from static quality is to make static quality dead.
 So, when I say I'm stuck upon dq, I'm relaxed-focused
upon dq.  I can't get it off my mind, yet, I'm aware
of static patterns, too.  I'm quiet, everything is
quiet, I can't grasp anything in this universe.  I'm
noticing static patterns, all these lines, I hear
birds, I feel my heart-beat, yet, this is saying
nothing to me that will stick as the - this is it!,
for I'm not staticly stuck or stuck upon any static
quality.  Quiet remains still.  Not a peep, yet, I
hear the wind blowing in the oak leaves.  This all is
crushing my mind, my body will die someday, what's
happening!  And, I might have all this pass through me
mind, and what remains still, after all of this
passes?  How might I relax?  I settle in this quiet,
mmm, feels good - this bottomless experience -

stuck upon nothing, nothing is stuck here,

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