[MD] On Balance: Dewey, Pirsig and Granger

Squonkonguitar at aol.com Squonkonguitar at aol.com
Sun Dec 17 13:41:32 PST 2006

In a message dated 17/12/2006 21:23:10 GMT Standard Time,  
marshalz at charter.net writes:

Hi  Mark,

If that's your thinking, I can honestly state I haven't the  slightest 
idea what you're talking about.  But thanks for  trying.


Hi Marsha,
No problem.
Perhaps you could do me a favour Marsha?
Imagine a friend of yours invites you to art gallery for a public showing  of 
their work.
As you wander around the gallery you come across one of your own  paintings.
You examine the work and realise your friend is passing it off as  their own.
This is the first time you ever knew this was happening and you realise no  
effort has been made to disguise the theft.
Later, your friend glibly mentions to yourself in the company  of two others 
that he stole your painting. Your friend does not appear  to display even the 
slightest concern about his  blatant admission.
How would you view this matter Marsha?

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