[MD] On Balance: Dewey, Pirsig and Granger

MarshaV marshalz at charter.net
Sun Dec 17 14:09:35 PST 2006

At 04:41 PM 12/17/2006, you wrote:
>Perhaps you could do me a favour Marsha?
>Imagine a friend of yours invites you to art gallery for a public showing  of
>their work.
>As you wander around the gallery you come across one of your own  paintings.
>You examine the work and realise your friend is passing it off as  their own.
>This is the first time you ever knew this was happening and you realise no
>effort has been made to disguise the theft.
>Later, your friend glibly mentions to yourself in the company  of two others
>that he stole your painting. Your friend does not appear  to display even the
>slightest concern about his  blatant admission.
>How would you view this matter Marsha?


I'd be extremely curious and ask many questions?  I definitely want 
to know his explanation for such bizarre behavior.



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