[MD] Social Imposition ?

ARLO J BENSINGER JR ajb102 at psu.edu
Mon Dec 18 16:12:38 PST 2006

As I pointed out before in quoting Pirsig, things don't originate out of
"collective activity." 

And as I pointed out in quoting Pirsig, his "Dynamic invention" and "emergence"
are identical processes. Unless you can point out to me any pattern that is not
the result of collective behavior of smaller individual patterns... ooops, or
should I say "orignate out of"?

That's the SOM scientific explanation.

Pirsig's DQ is what guides collective behavior, it is what brings cells together
collectively from which bodies emerge, and then cities and then the law of

In the MOQ, things originate as a result of Dynamic activity and/or Dynamic

And can you explain to me how that differs from "emergence" or "originating out
of"? Its clear that whether or not Pirsig "terms" it anything, the process he
describes in one of collective emergence. You can't name one pattern, on any
level, that is no the result of collective emergence. Not one.

You will not find Pirsig citing the "collective" as a catalyst anywhere in the

He may not use the term, but he describes the process exactly.

Individual biological patterns emerge from the collective activity of individual
inorganic patterns.
Individual social patterns emerge from the collective activity of individual
biological patterns.
Individual intellectual patterns emerge from the collective activity of
individual social patterns.
And the entire process is guided by DQ. 

You can substite Pirsig's word "originate out of" for "emergence", but this
process describes the MOQ perfectly. 

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