[MD] Food for Thought

pholden at davtv.com pholden at davtv.com
Mon Dec 18 18:59:33 PST 2006

Quoting David M <davidint at blueyonder.co.uk>:

> Hi Platt
> so social patterns are new ideas become SQ?
> But are there also intellectual forms of SQ?
> How do we distinguish?
> David M

Social patterns are collectives of similar ideas. Example: conventional wisdom,
often hardened into institutions like governments, churches and colleges.
Intellectual patterns are unique to an individual human being. Example: a "meme,"
invented by Richard Dawkins. Better example: Dynamic/static Quality, invented by
Robert Pirsig. When his philosophy becomes as widely known as Plato's, it will
become a social pattern. Another example: Darwinian theory began as an intellectual
but is now a social pattern -- intellectual when first created, social now because
accepted as common knowledge. That's how I define the difference between
intellectual and social patterns. But, as with all interpretations of the MOQ
except those by the Dynamic inventor, Mr. Pirsig, himself, I could be wrong.

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