[MD] Social Imposition ?

Case Case at iSpots.com
Tue Dec 19 13:27:10 PST 2006

[David M]
Point of emergence is always out of nothing,
that's DQ for you, otherwise we're talking SQ
are we not?

Emergence is what results from what came before. The MOQ's static levels are
entirely emergent phenomenon. Biology emerges from inorganic interactions.
It depends on the laws of physics. But biological systems are sufficiently
complex as to have a whole new order of rules and factors come into play in
understanding it. It does not violate the laws of physics but a new set of
law and patterns emerges that relate to biology.

Frankly I find most of the talk about the relationships between SQ and DQ
around here to be nonsensical. I never know who is talking about what, which
version of the MoQ they are referring to. 

[David M]
Ham says man invents, I say man is e-vented,
because venting was around before man.
That's the reason we tell this story in DQ/SQ
terms. Of course story telling has to push
beyond the boudaries of experience. For example,
I have never met Napoleon but I he plays a real role
in my hi-story.

Given the language barrier I rarely understand what Ham is saying but if you
say so I'll go with it.

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