[MD] Social Imposition ?

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 20 08:49:42 PST 2006

> Indeed, exactly the opposite of your rash
> condemnation, the more "thinking
> individuals" contribute to it,

     The word contribute is important.  

     A quote from Lila:
     "What is the purpose of all this intellectual
knowledge?' the Metaphysics of Quality answers, 'The
fundamental purpose of knowledge is to Dynamically
improve and preserve society.' Knowledge has grown
away from this historic purpose and become an end in
itself just as society has grown away from its
original purpose of preserving physical human beings
and become an end in itself, and this growing away
from original purposes toward greater Quality is a
moral growth. But those original purposes are still
there. And when things get lost and go adrift it is
useful to remember that point of departure.
The Metaphysics of Quality suggests that the social
chaos of the twentieth century can be relieved by
going back to this point of departure and
re-evaluating the path taken from it. It says it is
immoral for intellect to be dominated by society for
the same reasons it is immoral for children to be
dominated by their parents. But that doesn't mean that
children should assassinate their parents, and it
doesn't mean intellectuals should assassinate society.
Intellect can support static patterns of society
without fear of domination by carefully distinguishing
those moral issues that are social-biological from
those that are intellectual-social and making sure
there is no encroachment either way."

     To contribute, to share thoughts is what
intellect's, according to this quote, fundamental
purpose is.  I still view the latter half of this
quote, as stating, that the kinds of thoughts are
important.  The intellectual activity is to
distinguish between the moral codes of
social-biological and intellectual-social.  This quote
does state intellectual activity has become an end in
itself, but the original purpose is still present, and
when things get lost to ground one upon these original
purposes centers us (a group of individuals).  So,
distinguish between these moral codes, states to me,
we are to use our intellect, and provide thoughts,
thus share with the social level thoughts that
distinguish these moral codes.

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