[MD] Food for Thought

Case Case at iSpots.com
Wed Dec 20 18:04:16 PST 2006


By all means Dave, rest up! An intentional assault on common sense would be



I'm too tired to get into right now, but I have to say you've totally missed

the point. You're telling me to get with "the program" and I'm telling you 
that "the program" is exactly what I'm criticizing. Yes, as crazy as it 
seems, I'm criticizing common sense. It hardly makes sense to offer mere 
scienc as an alternative to this critique since we're all quite aware of 
that option already. Its like trying to sell a V-8 to Ed Begely Jr, as if he

just needed a refresher course on the gasoline engine.

>Right, the fact that you would make a statement like "...with respect the
>role of social level values in suppressing biological quality." suggests 
>need for a refresher course or something to get you up to speed. Social
>systems enhance biological quality they do not suppress it. It is this
>principle of opposition you keep touting that is flawed.

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