[MD] Food for Thought

Dan Glover daneglover at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 21 13:30:45 PST 2006

Hello everyone

>From: "Case" <Case at iSpots.com>
>Reply-To: moq_discuss at moqtalk.org
>To: <moq_discuss at moqtalk.org>
>Subject: Re: [MD] Food for Thought
>Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 11:12:48 -0500
>Dan, Arlo,
>I defer to Arlo's expertise in megaliths but note that I said and meant
>Astrology since modern astronomy is an intellectual pattern that evolved
>from early patterns. As Arlo points out whatever the purpose of the 
>their construction seems to have involves some fairly technical knowledge 
>the positions of celestial bodies. There is the suggestion that it had
>something to do with the precession of the equinoxes and finding a specific
>polar star.

Hi Case
I understand the archaic use of the term astrology did refer to what we now 
call astromony but I still believe to use the term as you do tends to lead 
to confusion.

>With regard to Dan's comments on individuals today who have technical
>knowledge without being able to read or write. Those individuals certainly
>do have access to the shared culture preserved in writing, if not first 
>then second hand.

Well yes, and that was my point. There are other ways in which knowledge is 
passed from generation to generation besides writing.

>I supposed this is the inverse of Granddad Uga who
>invented all that cool technology and no one paid attention. Old cultures
>did take their oral traditions very seriously and cross generational
>transmission of stories and knowledge certainly did take place in 
>but what is significant is the immense expansion of shared memory afford by
>the static rendering of knowledge into written form.

How does this apply to ancient Egypt or the Americas? There are no written 
records telling us how the Pyramids were constructed. I suppose that's why 
there's so much conjecture about them. It seems every "expert" has their own 
pet theory.

Thank you for your comments,


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