[MD] Food for Thought

ian glendinning psybertron at gmail.com
Fri Dec 22 11:49:54 PST 2006

Dan, Arlo, Case, et al,

I've missed a couple of days of this thread, and I'd like to step back a point.

Good of Dan to post Pirsig's clarification that the levels are
essentially additive. I hold that view too. However I don't believe
that in itself removes the need for us to have some working
distinction of what is being added at each level.

I have no trouble seeing that "life" is added as we step from 1 to 2
(and the physical continues).

I have no trouble seeing that something "cultural" is added as we step
from 2 to 3 (with physical and living maintained),

But what I still struggle to accept as clear is any distinction of
intellect from social. Don't get me wrong, I see a clear gradings of
the quality of cultural concepts and activities, and can see useful
social / intellectual labels, but this labelling seems entirely
cultural. Sets of "principles" "accepted" as being valid, even if
contingent on better ideas coming along.


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