[MD] Social Imposition ?

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 22 15:23:40 PST 2006

> Monkey see, monkey do. Involved with other monkeys.

     Yes, "...involved..."

> Wolves taught people to hunt? Now that's news to me.
> How do you know?
> How does anybody know?

     Hunters and gathers always give respect to these
teachers of the hunt, and it doesn't always have to be
particularly wolves.  Beavers give pots and water bags
in the northeast of america.  Its' not people, but
beavers that gave and taught the beaver-people how. 
Beaver-people as in people close to beavers, so close
in fact they saw themselves as kin, and this is how
the story goes.  Like today.  Ever hear of dog-people.
 That is people who like dogs.  People who have dogs
for pets and are very caring and friendly with these

> "The social patterns in the next box down include
> such institutions as family,
> church and government. They are the patterns of
> culture that the anthropologist
> and sociologist study." (SODV) 

     Exactly.  The same definition I've been giving
all along.  Not seeing what the disagreement is. 
Shake hands and notice and experience social activity.
 I gave definitions straight out of the anthro's
textbook, too.

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