[MD] Dawkins a Materialist

pholden at davtv.com pholden at davtv.com
Sat Dec 23 09:54:36 PST 2006

Quoting Case <Case at iSpots.com>:

> Science is the foundational belief system of the
> modern world. It presents the modern standard for truth and the appraisal of
> truth.

It is precisely the claim of science that it has a monopoly on truth which
makes me suspect it as a fundamentalist religion. There's even a name for its
church -- scientism. Its doctrine consists of at least a dozen theoretical
assumptions including rationalism, determinism, reductionism, etc. While it
has demonstrated value in explaining exterior aspects of the physical world,
it loses power in the poetic and spiritual realms where the most profound
experiences of life are found.     

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