[MD] SOLAQI, Kant's TITs, chaos, and the S/I distinction

Squonkonguitar at aol.com Squonkonguitar at aol.com
Sun Dec 24 14:57:48 PST 2006

Hi Laird, Mark,

Reading this thread has led me to an exploration of  the SOLAQI hypothesis.
IMO, Skutvik was on the right track.  This is an  area of interest to me as 
well, so I'm glad to see this angle being  pursued.

Perhaps the lion has an ~unreflective~ s/o intellect, while  ~conscious~ 
distinguishes the Intellectual level.  


Hi Laramie,
If the SOLAQI hypothesis is on the right track, then why didn't Anthony  
McWatt fully address it as a serious contender worth including in his Critical  
analysis of the moq 2004?
The whole point of a critical analysis of anything is to explore  
alternatives isn't it?
The SOALQI was being heavily promoted by Skutvik on the MD forum while  
McWatt was producing his account, and McWatt was aware of this. By your  suggestion 
it seems as if McWatt simply refused to deal with it. Why did McWatt  refuse 
to deal with it?
Paul Turner produced a thorough appraisal of the SOLAQI after McWatt's  
thesis was awarded, so why didn't McWatt deal with it himself in no respect at  all 
prior to this?
I myself dealt with the SOLAQI but non of this is included in McWatt's  
thesis while it was in production.
Laird and Laramie, if you both have the same regard for Skutvik's SOLAQI as  
a serious alternative to the moq then explain why McWatt did not give it  
Surely you're not suggesting McWatt is intellectually moribund?

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