[MD] SOLAQI, Kant's TITs, chaos, and the S/I distinction

MarshaV marshalz at charter.net
Wed Dec 27 08:14:20 PST 2006

At 12:57 PM 12/26/2006, SA wrote:
>As to coherence possibly denying change, in which
>Marsha mentioned, I find patterns changing to be
>coherent to the way things are.  Patterns changing,
>thus, moving about, dynamicly shaping, these are
>activities patterns and value require of themselves,
>thus, are being coherent to the way things are.  To
>deviate from change would not be cohering to the ways
>of this world.

Hi SA,

Patterns changing to "the way things are"?  Or are "the way things 
are" changing to be like new patterns?  At times, maybe not at other 
times?  Can we say for sure?

nibbling on bacon, chewin' on cheese,

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