[MD] Dawkins a Materialist

david buchanan dmbuchanan at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 29 16:13:11 PST 2006

Heather Perella asked dmb:
...wouldn't you agree science involves assumptions? What difference is there 
between assumptions and belief?  Sure, assumptions are nouns and belief is a 
verb, but in a sentence wouldn't they both be used together?

dmb says:
Assumptions are not the same thing as faith. Assumptions will change 
according to experience. I mean, if an assumption isn't working we can ditch 
it. Faith ignores or resists the force of evidence.

To be perfectly frank, I'm seriously bummed out that anyone thinks this is 
debatable. I think its a slam-dunk no-brainer. If there is anything a 
philosopher should have a feel for, its the quality of belief.

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