[MD] drop acid not bombs

Weknowitwell at aol.com Weknowitwell at aol.com
Sat Jan 14 19:43:08 PST 2006

Not meaning to get anybody in trouble but does Pirsig still experiment with  
such substances?
I understand from Lila, that it was (partly) experience with peyote that  led 
to a Quality event, an opening, that eventually led to the writing/ideas of  
the book.  What I'm wondering is if you think there is ever a time when  we 
should surpass dependence on such substances for our quality  moments, 
evolution, greater understanding...whatever. I don't assume that using  LSD, for 
example, is the only thing you do to achieve these states and I think I  understand 
that the experiences that come with such a 'drug' have lasting  effects on 
one's life but do you strive to get to a point where you could have  these same 
experiences/openings without taking anything, at all, ever? Or is  that too 
Any comments from anybody would be appreciated. Thanks.
-New Guy....okay, not so new

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