[MD] Intellect battles the[historical] barbarians

Platt Holden pholden at davtv.com
Thu Nov 2 07:44:26 PST 2006

> [Arlo]
> I'm not sure if this is a reference to my recent "history lesson", but
> I'll respond in case. My point in bringing up the historical reality of
> our involvement with Iraq (and Iran) is not to point blame, but to point
> out that the hypocrisy of the "Moral Liberators". I wish, I truly do,
> that there was a concerted effort to deal with these issues, but it all
> comes down to Party Obedience, and an inability ON BOTH SIDES to accept
> blame where blame is due.

Not that's funny. On one hand Arlo says his point is "not to point 
blame." Then in the next breath he says we should "accept blame where 
blame is due."  Sounds like Kerry: "I voted against the war before I 
voted for it," and  "I will never apologize for insulting our troops, 
but please accept my apology." 

That hilarity aside, note that Arlo thinks "hypocrisy" is a great sin.  
I searched high and low in the MOQ to find even a hint that hypocrisy 
was such a terrible moral offense, but failed. Perhaps someone can 
enlighten me. But failure of a society to defend itself against 
biological level barbarians? Now, that's real MOQ sin!    

> You can't sell a gun to a serial murderer and
> then act morally indignant when he kills someone. Or better, sell a gun
> to a serial murderer and keep selling him bullets while he kills other
> families, but then act morally indignant when he kills your wife. Yes,
> the serial killer should go to jail, but if you don't learn from your
> part in the play, you'll just turn around and sell a gun to the next
> serial murdered... and soon he will take your child. This is the game we
> are playing on the world stage.

Didn't Arlo say at one time that he was against of gun control? But, I 
could be wrong. 

> We can't change the mess Reagan created, and Bush Sr., Clinton and Bush
> Jr. perpetuated. But we MUST acknowledge it, we must accept our role in
> this.

So we're to blame for trying to stabilize and bring democracy to the 
Middle East? Maybe Arlo wants to feel guilty about our trying to extend 
intellectual values. But, I don't, not for a minute.


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