[MD] Case's Answer to Marsha: Part 4

Case Case at iSpots.com
Wed Nov 8 15:40:32 PST 2006

I am very intrigued with your statement of the tao, there is a theory on the
dynamic of this phenomona in quantum physics, I have attached
It. I would welcome your input on the subject. I think it has something to
say about DQ and SQ. I think the model Nassim has created
Effectively illustrates the DQ-SQ phenomenon. There is also reference to
fractile geometry, another great metaphor for it. A mathmatical
 Yin- Yang. The results are astounding.


When I first stumbled upon the MoQ I thought in vain I would find people
discussing chaos theory and physics. Instead there were a bunch of mystics
which still mystifies me. I am no expert on math or physics but I find them
highly interesting and highly relevant to the MoQ. I will have to think
about this spin thing as I just naturally supposed that motion like this
arises from the initial explosion of the big bang and the later smaller ones
of interstellar explosions and gravity and whatever. But who knows. On thing
is clear to me and that is that the dualism of matter and energy is the same
dualism as Dynamic and Static. I have had some success in showing this to
the MoQ crowd after they initially told me I was full of it.

I am sorry to hear of your personal tragedies but you are right the MoQ is
not going to be the place to work them out. People, myself included are very
much wrapped up in their own thoughts and ideas and each considers himself
the intellectual center of the universe. 

About Indians though... I am a white guy, German no less. When I look to the
past all I see is my people doing crappy things to other people. All I get
is guilt. My great-grandfather was a medic at Wounded Knee and I have spent
a bit of time looking into Indian culture. I have visited a number of
reservations all over the country and been to a powwow or two. Once on a
vacation my family and I were invited to a Lakota releasing of spirits
ceremony and later a Hopi ceremony in the Four Corners area. But I suspect I
am guilty of over romanticizing the noble savage as you suggest. 

One of the books that I would place in my personal cannon of scripture is
Black Elk Speaks. It is a modern apocalypse. In reading it and studying the
events at Wounded Knee I came to see direct parallels between the late 1800s
and first century Palestine when the Romans wiped out the Jews. (I am
something of a Jewish wannabee too I am afraid.) My wife thinks I wannabee
black too btw. But I think that is a "size matters" thing and her problem
not mine.

In any event on several occasions when I stumbled into the political MoQ
crap I went into detail about the European invasion only to be told that
being burdened by guilt from the past was neurotic. The fact is I am not
burdened so much by the guilt of the past as how that folly is being
reenacted in the present; in the Middle East, in the Amazon, Africa and
elsewhere. You can't learn from your mistakes if you don't even think they
are mistakes.

Anyway, take a break calm down get your stuff together. All I can tell you
is that the people I respect the most, regardless of their race sex or
orientation are those who are comfortable with themselves. 

Oh yeah, and I had to quit drinking years ago, which mostly accounts for why
I am still here, but shooting the shit and passing the pipe might work...


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